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Vascular medicine nano-technique

Vascular medicine nano-technique

MedZine highlights two examples of new application for vascular research this week. Atherosclerosis is the underlying cause of myocardial infarction and stroke. On the nano level, researches are now detecting atherosclerotic plaques, while microchip technology is employed to learn more about the conditions in with nanomedicines accumulate in atherosclerosis. Continue reading

Macrophage proliferation in atherosclerosis and microRNA triggers lymphoma

Macrophage proliferation in atherosclerosis and microRNA triggers lymphoma

Also this week MedZine brings you the latest medical news on various medical specialisms. In this editorial two striking studies are highlighted. The first identifies macrophage proliferation as a driving force in atherosclerosis. The second shows how microRNAs trigger lymphoma. Continue reading

Preventing artery stiffness and the danger of depression after cancer

Preventing artery stiffness and the danger of depression after cancer

Also this week MedZine brings you the latest medical news on various medical specialisms. In this editorial two striking studies are highlighted. The first describes the role of the Dkk1 protein in hardening of arteries. The second study shows that cancer survivors with a depression have more chance to die prematurely than cancer survivors without depression. Continue reading

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